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Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

(Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago)


Licensed Psychologist and Health Service Provider in Psychology

(State of Indiana)


Health Service Provider in Psychology

(Certified by the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology)

Additional Relevant Experience

Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (MMTCP)

Tara Brach, PhD and Jack Kornfield, PhD


Power of Self-Compassion Training

Kristen Neff, PhD and Chris Germer, PhD


Meditation training and mentoring

Cynthia Wilcox, PhD, Meditation Teacher and Psychologist


Mindfulness Certificate

Terry Fralich, JD, LCPC


Daily meditation practice since 1991


About Me

I have been working with clients since 1997, and my work has changed through the years as I have learned from my clients and from my own life. I originally worked primarily from a Jungian perspective, helping clients uncover unconscious wisdom and get to know, accept, and even learn to love diverse parts of their psyches. These are incredibly useful tools. Knowledge creates insight, which leads to choices, which, in turn, brings empowerment.


In recent years, I have increasingly integrated mindfulness practice and meditation work into the process with those who are receptive, which includes working with physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts. As a lifelong meditator, and as someone who has had the privilege to work intimately with people through many types of struggles and joys, I have seen the value of integrating all aspects of being---emotional, physical, and spiritual---honoring all of the parts of ourselves, and discovering ourselves with curiosity and compassion. So, I have expanded the types of teachings I offer clients, and have been gratified to find that they benefit on a deeper level as we include this element in our work together.


This type of approach is affirmed by research that is being done in neuroscience, clearly demonstrating the mind/body connection and the benefits of mindfulness. As we are increasingly learning, we live in connection---with parts of ourselves, with other people, with our sense of meaning and purpose, with the natural world, and with all of life. Fortunately, there are tools we can use to enhance our ability to tune into these connections and enrich our lives.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.    -C.G. Jung

© 2018 by Jennifer Bradley, Psy.D., HSPP

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